During the Floyd Wickman Program we start each session with the steps toward graduation. I illustrate a ladder with rungs representing sales & personal performance skills necessary to reach the top. Sadly, we’ve all heard the expression “climbing the ladder of success” so often that its real meaning has been lost. We know that a ladder is nothing but a tool to use in order to arrive at some destination. Likewise, our job is just a tool to be used in arriving at ours and our client’s goals in life.
Let’s look at the reason a ladder is so symbolic. First, a ladder is made for vertical and not horizontal use. It is used for an upward climb. Also, a ladder can’t be safely climbed except by using one rung at a time. Just like people don’t explode into success but grow into it, a ladder offers only a progressive means of travel. We use each rung as a foundation to reach greater heights. If you try and skip a rung, disaster may strike. Probably the most important similarity between your real estate career and a ladder is that both require effort to climb.
Not all people are willing to make the effort to reach the top. However I can’t imagine anyone having so little ambition, that he or she doesn’t at least want to take the first step, and escape the crowd at the bottom. I invite you to climb that ladder with me, one step at a time. You'll reach the top before you know it.
As always, I’m here if you need me and have a great week!
People often ask me "What is it like to be a Floyd Wickman Trainer?". They’re curious as to why I do it. As a trainer I have been blessed with meeting many people from different parts of this great country. I’ve had the priviledge of helping real estate agents realize their full potential. My goal is simple...to help them become the agents they intended to be. I have been able to this because I teach the Floyd Wickman Program. I sometimes hear “it must be hard with all the traveling, hotels, airports, food etc.”
So, I would like to share a story to help better illustrate how I feel.
Once upon a time a boy went into a pet shop, looking for a puppy. The store owner showed him a litter in a box. The boy looked at the puppies. He picked each one up, examined it, and put it back into the box. After several minutes, he walked back to the owner and said, “I picked one out. How much will it cost?”
The man gave him the price, and the boy promised to be back in a few days with the money.“Don’t take too long,” the owner cautioned. “Puppies like these sell quickly.”
The boy turned and smiled knowingly, “I’m not worried,” he said. “Mine will still be there.”
The boy went to work-weeding, washing windows, cleaning yards. He worked hard and saved his money. When he had enough for the puppy, he returned to the store.
He walked up to the counter and laid down a pocketful of wadded bills. The store owner sorted and counted the cash. After verifying the amount, he smiled at the boy and said, “All right, son, you can go get your puppy.”
The boy reached into the back of the box, pulled out a skinny dog with a limp leg, and started to leave. The owner stopped him.
“Don’t take that puppy,” he objected. “He’s crippled. He can’t play. He’ll never run with you. He can’t fetch. Get one of the healthy pups.”
“No thank you, sir” the boy replied. “This is exactly the kind of dog I’ve been looking for.” As the boy turned to leave, the store owner started to speak but remained silent. Suddenly he understood. For extending from the bottom of the boy’s trousers was a brace--a brace for his crippled leg. Why did the boy want the dog? Because he knew how it felt. And he knew it was very special.
Why do I do it? Because I know how you feel.
You see, for 20+ years that I sold real estate, I went through the ups and downs and everything in between. Lord knows, I know what agents are going through...good and bad. I know in my heart that this has helped me become a better teacher. I’ve seen so many lives transformed, because of The Floyd Wickman Program.
This......is why I do it.
Until Next Time,
National Trainer